We customize your future clinical
trials in Oncology with our innovative
Patient Derived Xenograft (PDX) models.
Founded in 2016, Oncofactory, a spin-off of the CNRS, is a science-driven biotech supporting pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies with innovative in vivo services to accompany their preclinical programs.
Oncofactory offers a unique technological platform with a core process for creating patient tumor replicas in avian embryos (AVI-PDX™) perfectly suited for preclinical evaluation of anticancer therapies.
Coupled with state-of-the-art 3D imaging and large-scale molecular analysis, our powerful process allows fast evaluation of therapy efficacy and deep characterization of mechanisms of action for biomarker discovery.

the efficacy of your
therapeutic candidates on representative samples of the population of patients

in the design of combi-therapies through a dedicated program integrating analysis of tumor responses to the candidate therapy and characterization of candidate therapy-induced regulated signaling pathways

the mechanisms of action of your candidate therapies

to stratify the population of patients, predict the resistance

of our services for :
Direct in vivo evaluation of your molecules on patient tumor samples
Examples of cancer
types successfully…
Breast cancer Melanoma Prostate cancer Pancreatic cancer Lung cancer | Liver cancer Glioma Glioblastoma Neuroblastoma Germ Cell tumor |
Process of studies by Oncofactory
Each project is managed by a unique scientific contact, in 3 steps:
• Exploratory meetings to precisely define the objectives and the specific requirements
(timetable, budget, scientific and technological issues)
• Customized studies with go/no-go decisions ensuring cost optimization and maximal
• Reporting with validated data, statistical analysis and images of each step of imaging
and quantification processes
The technology of Oncofactory is the fruit of many encounters, we could not name them all! That of the fields of oncology and developmental biology, which we know share many common mechanisms, that of two scientists passionate about the design of biological models, eager to exploit the expertise accumulated through years of fundamental research to develop innovative solutions for studying cancer, the one with many clinicians, professionals of the pharmaceutical industry, of technology transfer structures that have enlightened our choices, the one with Frédéric, with whom we share the same vision of the challenges that the development of new treatments and personalized medicine represent, in which we include the future of Oncofactory.
We wanted our technology to fully meet the expectations of the European Ethic Law. Achieving this goal by bringing in vivo solutions allowing all indispensable investigations while significantly limiting their impact on the animal is very rewarding.
We are fully confident that the innovative models of Oncofactory have their full place in the race to beat cancer.
Latest news
New publication in Leukemia (Springer Nature).
Functional precision oncology for follicular lymphoma with patient-derived xenograft in avian embryos- Publication in Leukemia (Springer Nature). We are pleased to communicate our new study on Follicular Lymphoma AVI-PDX models for predicting response to treatment...
An in vivo avian model of human melanoma
We are delighted to share the publication of our preclinical Melanoma AVI-PDXTM model.
Our study was conducted with the Hospices Civils de Lyon, the Cancer Research Center of Lyon and the MeLis laboratory of Lyon.
ERBC (European Research Biology Center) Group extends its preclinical expertise with the acquisition of Oncofactory.
This strategic acquisition expands ERBC Group’s non-clinical research and development testing portfolio, adding in ovo models for anticancer drug development. Baugy, France, January 18th 2023 – ERBC Group, a non-clinical contract research organization (CRO) with...