Functional precision oncology for follicular lymphoma with patient-derived xenograft in avian embryos- Publication in Leukemia (Springer Nature).
We are pleased to communicate our new study on Follicular Lymphoma AVI-PDX models for predicting response to treatment program performed in collaboration with Dr. Pierre Sujobert (HCL, Centre hospitalier Lyon Sud and CIRI/Lyon 1 University) and supported by the French National Research Agency (ANR).
Discover how the FL-AVI-PDX model is a platform for functional precision oncology in primary follicular lymphoma cells. This model replicates patient responses to treatment, capturing both inter- and intra-patient heterogeneity in clinical responses to complex therapeutic regimens. It provides a unique opportunity to better understand the biology of follicular lymphoma, discover combination therapies, and identify biomarkers that predict sensitivity or resistance, opening perspectives for new drug development.