Melanoma program
The MelanoPredict project, led by Oncofactory and by Pr Stéphane Dalle, a dermatologist specialized in melanoma, won in 2018 the 2nd Lyonbiopôle / HCL Clinical Innovation Call.
The aim of this project is to model sensitivity/resistance to first-line drug treatment in our AVI-PDX™ technology.
The project will benefit from operational support from HCL, as well as financial support up to 100,000 euros. This support will help the development of melanoma biomarkers associated with clinical outcome for patients with first-line drug treatment.
Cerebral Tumors
In partnership with Pr Jérôme Honnorat, heading the Neuro-Oncology service of the Hôpital Neurologique of Lyon and his collaborator Pr François Ducray, Oncofactory develops models of cerebral tumors for future preclinical studies. The INOVAGLI program is supported by the pack Ambition Recherche of the Region AURA and the ROTARY-club of Lyon.
Other R&D programs
Please contact us for partnership to work on breakthrough scientific projects.
Pediatric Cancers
Thanks to APICIL, Oncofactory contributes with its models to the development and evaluation of novel therapeutic candidates for Neuroblastoma and Malignant Germ Cell tumors.
Follicular Lymphoma Program
The FLINOVO program led by Oncofactory and Dr Pierre Sujobert has been selected by the ANR (Agence nationale de Recherche) for the AAPG 2019 (Generic calls for proposal).
Dr Sujobert is the co-leader of the hematology lab of the Lyon Sud Hospital, which diagnoses around 10% of all hematological malignancies of France.
The aim of the program is to model follicular lymphoma for preclinical studies and personalized medicine.
Oncofactory is partner of Vidium systems biology solutions and the Institute NeuroMyoGene for running the TRACE project, supported by the R&D Booster program of the region AURA. The consortium will develop innovative solutions for therapeutic target discovery and prediction of patient responses.
Our patents :
1456531, PCT/EP2015/065509 – 1562693, PCT/EP2016/081316
Our services :
We offer the following services for :
Discovery and early screening: Screening on different cancers and lead selection
Preclinical efficacy and lead validation : In-house predictive PDX models enable lead validation
Design and validation of combi-therapies including immunotherapy
Therapy repurposing
Translational biomarker Discovery
We can test all types of drugs (small molecules, targeted therapies, immunotherapy). Our technology allows for :
Creating novel cancer models for preclinical studies
Mimicking clinical trials by comparing therapeutic treatments in parallel on patient tumor replicas
Assessing patient response heterogeneity and identifying biomarkers predictive of therapy efficacy
Assessing tumor aspect, metastasis (localized/metastatic tumor pattern)

What are the advantages of AVI-PDX™ models ?

EFFICIENT : Up to now, we faced no failure of tumor intake from patient samples, even for cancers for which no mouse model could be obtained, such as prostate PDX models.
ETHIC : Our animal model strictly follows the ethical recommendations and benefits from highly simplified legal obligations.
POWERFUL : A patient tumor can be replicated in a high number of embryos, which allows testing many experimental conditions in parallel and conducting statistical analysis.
FAST : Patient tumoral cells survive, proliferate and cluster to form masses within 48 hours. We can monitor metastasis within the following days.

Reference molecule
Vemurafenib, Cobimetinib
TN (ER–, PR–, HER2–)
Cisplatin, Gemcitabine, Carboplatin
OA, IDHmut, 1p19qcodel
OA, IDHmut, 1p19qwt
Stages L1/L2
Stage M, MYCN amplified
Stage M, MYCN not amplified
Germ Cell Tumors
Type I, yolk sac
Type II, mixed testicular